Korott's Driving Force
In KOROTT, we understand that while infrastructure and technical and IT facilities are important, it is the people who work here who drive the company forward, always achieving new goals and striving for new opportunities. It is these people who ultimately make the important decisions that will decide whether or not the company is successful or not. Thus, in KOROTT it is our staff who are the true driving force of the company.
In KOROTT we have a policy of continuous internal training. This is a key factor in allowing our workforce to adapt to changes that may occur both in the company and in the marketplace. This ongoing training goes hand in hand with employee satisfaction, high performance and productivity.
It has been proven that employees with access to training programs obtain the following advantages:
- They feel more motivated and satisfied.
- They acquire new skills and abilities.
- They improve their capacity to adapt to change.
- Mistakes and workplace accidents are reduced.
- Their confidence in their ability is increased and they become willing to take on new responsibilities.
- There is better coordination between workers.
- Staff work more effectively.
- There is stronger participation and innovation.
- As self-esteem increases, work-related stress decreases due to training received.
- Staff achieve a stronger possibility of internal promotion.
- Staff develop as workers, leading to a general improvement in productivity throughout company
Will You Join Korott?
If you want to become part of our team, register in our web page and leave your C.V.
With the release of our new website and for security reasons, it is necessary to reset your password